Rabu, 10 September 2014

Composition of Earth’s mantle revisited

Research published last week in Science suggested that the makeup of the Earth's lower mantle, which makes up the largest part of the Earth by volume, is significantly different than previously thought.

The work, performed at the Advanced Photon Source at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, will have a significant impact on our understanding of the lower mantle, scientists said. Understanding the composition of the mantle is essential to seismology, the study of earthquakes and movement below the Earth's surface, and should shed light on unexplained seismic phenomena observed there.

Though humans haven't yet managed to drill further than seven and a half miles into the Earth, we've built a comprehensive picture of what's beneath our feet through calculations and limited observation. We all live atop the crust, the thin outer layer; just beneath is the mantle, outer core and finally inner core.

Senin, 01 September 2014

Sadarlah, Bangsa Kita Mainstream

    INDONESIA. Nama sebuah bangsa. Tanah yang sedari dulu saya pijak dan saya banggakan.  Bagaimana tidak? Katanya kayu saja bisa jadi tanaman. Bahkan lautannya seindah kolam susu. Bangsa ini mempunyai bukit penuh emas murni, uranium, batu bara, bahkan ladang minyak yang luar biasa nilainya. Dengan 17.504 pulau dan tiga pulaunya menjadi salah satu dari enam pulau terluas di dunia. Luas lautannya terbesar di dunia, seluas 93.000 km persegi dan panjang pantainya sekitar 81.000 km persegi atau hampir 25% panjang pantai di dunia. Terumbu karangnya (Coral Reef) adalah terkaya (18% dari total dunia). Biodiversity anggreknya terbesar di dunia, ada 6.000 jenis anggrek. Memiliki hutan bakau terbesar di dunia. Negeri ini juga memiliki spesies ikan hiu terbanyak di dunia yaitu 150 spesies.